web reemade nuestros materiales - Upcycling

Our Materials

The materials we use have crossed the skies of the entire world because at some point they had wings, they have traveled the roads of Colombia on four and up to 8 wheels or they have been discarded by current production and consumption systems.

We love to transform waste, such as post-industrial textiles, waste from industries such as tourism, land or air transport and all waste in which we find beauty and potential. We acquire our materials through recycling associations or alliances with companies.

Manufacturing processes

Each material goes through a renewal process from classification, cleaning and transformation through weaving, cutting and reconstruction thanks to the collaboration of an impeccable workmanship.

Thus, each Reemade product is a manifesto to the personal growth of our artisans, with each new technique they learn, while from within our business we support the generation of employment in the country.

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Use of the products

In Reemade design and production processes, every detail counts. To take care of them, you must pay special attention to the indications that each product has to prolong its use.

We love to transform waste, such as post-industrial textiles, waste from industries such as tourism, land or air transport and all waste in which we find beauty and potential. We acquire our materials through recycling associations or alliances with companies.


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